20.5.-22.5: Biodiversity Study Trip Estonia

Dear All,

I am happy to announce the EUSJA Study Trip to Estonia on 20 to 22 May on the topic of the science of biodiversity. Please find attached the invitation and forward it to the members of your association. Please send the names, e-mail addresses and media affiliations of the applicants from your association to me by March 2. One day before and after the trip are reserved for arrival and departure.
See also: http://www.eusja.org/biodiversity-and-climate-change-a-study-trip-to-estonia/ and Biodiversity Study Trip Estonia 2015
Please send your application via your national association by 2nd of March, 2015 to Priit Ennet (priit.ennet@err.ee). In the application, you should include your name, e-mail address, and the media outlet that you work for.

Best regards,

Priit Ennet
The Estonian Association of Science Journalists


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