Study trip to Gastein, Austria; Berlin Science Week, Falling Walls Conference

European Health Gastein Forum 3-5 October 

EUSJA  has confirmed 8 slots for its members to attend European Health Gastein Forum (3-5 October). Science journalists attended that Forum not once having wonderful opportunities to meet outstanding scientists, young researchers, policy makers. This year’s motto of the programme: bold political choices for health. Programme sessions covers four tracks: Innovation for All, Sustainable Systems, Evidence for Action and No-one left behind. See more in a programme announcement online:

Science journalists will be offered free accomodation up to 4 nights, meal and free transfers from and to Salzburg airport. The applications (name, association, media affiliation, e-mail, mobile, short CV) should be sent to via national association. The deadline is 1 September.

Kind regards,

Berlin Science Week, Falling Walls Conference
September 6-9, 2018

EUSJA has confirmed for its members study trip to Berlin Science Week with the participation of the Falling Walls Conference. We are offering a fellowship for 10 journalists to visit Berlin from 6 to 10 November 2018. Science journalists are invited to attend events of the third Berlin Science Week and the programme of the Falling Walls Conference (Falling Walls Lab, Venture, Welcome Reception on 8 November and Conference on 9 November), to connect with Berlin based and international scientific institutions and to meet with colleagues from all over the world. The programme also includes a guided tour to selected scientific institutions in Berlin and participation in the Berlin Science Award ceremony on 7 November, hosted by the Governing Mayor of Berlin. More detailed programme will follow.

The fellowship consists of four nights in a hotel which is already reserved (breakfast included), free participation to FWC, free meals during the Falling Walls programme will be provided as well. Journalists have to take care of their travel expenses.

The applications should be sent via national association to (name, association, media affiliation, e-mail, mobile, short CV). Motivation letter is appreciated. The deadline for applications is 25 August. The acceptance letters will be sent out after the deadline.

Kind regards,

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