Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings: June 28 – July 4 2014. Deadline: April 14

Dear all!

This year the meeting with Nobel Prize winners in Lindau (from 28 June to 4 July) will be dedicated to physiology and medicine. More than 30 Nobel Laureates have announced their participation. About 600 young researchers from 80 countries are expected to attend.

EUSJA board agreed with Lindau Meetings the grants for science journalists covering four-night’s accommodation at a hotel in Lindau. The journalists have to take care of their travelling. We could have even more grants than the last year: depends on the quality of applications. Thus we kindly ask the candidates clearly define their interest to participate the meeting, indicate their media affiliation or for which media they intend to cover the meeting. Please inform your members and send their applications to by April 14 the latest. If you have more than one candidate, please rank them.

The applicant must write: name, media, e-mail, mobile and add a short CV with a short statement indicating their specific journalistic interest. The acceptance letters will be sent by the end of April the latest. Please find more information in the attachment.

I remind you also about the study trip to Barcelona (19-22 May 2014). The organizers will cover 3 nights in the hotel (19, 20, 21of May). Deadline for applications is April 7. The candidates must mention: name, association, media affiliation, e-mail, mobile, passport details, dietary restrictions (if any). See the attachment with a short description of the trip.

Friends, please do not wait till the last day, you may always change your candidate or the ranking by the given deadline.

With kind regards,


Lindau_2014_ EUSJA

EUSJA study trip to Barcelona May 19-22,2014

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