Symposium on Research Integrity

Promoting a Culture of (Research) Integrity

10 years Austrian Agency for Research Integrity (ÖAWI)

10.09.2018, 9:30 – 17:30, Palais Niederösterreich, Herrengasse 13, 1010 Wien

 The ÖAWI celebrates its 10-years anniversary. In honor of this occasion the agency invites for a one-day symposium on the 10th of September 2018 into Palais Niederösterreich in Vienna. International as well as Austrian speakers will talk about challenges and opportunities of building more confidence in science but also in creating a culture of integrity within the research system.

Among others following  speakers are confirmed:

  • Lex Bouter, Chair of the World Conferences on Research Integrity Foundation
  • Ulrike Felt, University of Vienna
  • Sabine Kleinert, Senior Editor Lancet
  • Stephan Rixen, Chairperson of the Committee on Research Integrity of the Austrian Agency for Research Integrity

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